Since I was a young girl, I have been constantly enthralled by sports. I seriously can't help myself, I am a New York Mets fan. If you cut me there is a good chance you will find orange and royal blue blood.
So, where am I to be such a huge fan? New York? New Jersey? Nope. not even close. I am a New Yorker but an Army brat and a Navy Wife (pay attention ok?) In Hampton Roads, VA home of David Wright, The Upton Brothers, Ryan Zimmerman, and many more. I am a New York Mets fan and I am a Redskins fan (yea i know. I can't explain it either).
I eat sleep and breathe baseball, in our house we have two seasons.. Baseball and Winter. So now as we set out, you know who I am, shut up or put up.. let's watch some ball!
Warning: The opinions in this blog are mine and mine alone, if you are a Yankees fan or God Forbid a Dallas fan and have something nasty to say I will stick a pin in the vodoo doll of your player. TRY ME. I am a Mom and I mean business.